
Why should you become MCS accredited

MCS Accreditation demonstrates to your customers that you are a fully qualified and reputable renewable energy technology installer.


In this industry trust is paramount. On a recent Don’t Get Done Dom episode on BBC One, they investigated the mis-selling of solar PV systems with excessive payback claims.

By being MCS Accredited you’re highlighting to your customers that what you are saying to them is accurate and can be trusted.

Becoming an MCS Accredited installer couldn’t be simpler, with the service from Easy MCS we’ll guide you through every step of the process.

As well as continual support and updates, as an Easy MCS customer you’ll also get access to our Easy RSS software that can assist you with the calculation aspects of the installation.

To find out more about the range of Easy MCS support programmes, whether you are an existing MCS Installer or a New MCS Installer, contact the Easy MCS team on Freephone 0808 163 6975, email [email protected] or apply online at